
Supporting women in our community to stay well

Well Women's Clinic provides general health treatment, screening and advice, including any special subsidies that you may qualify for.
We can also liaise directly with your family GP or healthcare provider for you.


General advice

Our niche is women’s health, so we understand your needs implicitly and provide a welcoming and supportive environment for all women.  You can access support, advice and treatment for a variety of women specific health needs. We support women in our community to stay well. Talk to us about your health needs woman to woman. 


Cervical screening

Our clinic provides a warm, friendly and culturally aware environment. Privacy is provided in our welcoming clinic setting where women can feel confident and reassured. We have the highest rate of accuracy in our smear tests so you can feel assured of an accurate and timely result. We cater for all budgets including funding for particular groups which provides for free screening.  Find out if you are eligible for a free smear test here


Emergency contraception

For emergencies, our clinic can offer quick, discreet assistance. If you require this service please let us know ASAP, so we can organise a priority booking for you.

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STI screening

Screening for STI’s is a positive step towards staying well. We encourage you to get tested for your peace of mind and to look after your health. Our private and supportive clinic provides a discreet and
non-judgmental environment to carry out and discuss your STI screening. Laboratory tests are free for New Zealand residents, however there may be charges for non-residents. There will be a charge for your appointment with the nurse. This can be advised over the phone prior to your appointment. For information about STI’s including what symptoms you should be concerned about you can find out here.

Book your STI screening appointment today.

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Our clinic is private and confidential. If you wish to discuss contraception, our staff are specially trained to guide and support you to choose the best option for you. We offer:

  • IUCD removals and insertions including Mirena and Jaydess

  • Oral contraception (The Pill)

  • Depo Provera (The Injection)

  • Jadelle insertion (The Rod)

  • Condoms

  • Emergency contraception (The morning after pill)

Talk to our friendly staff to find out if you qualify for subsidies.

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Pregnancy testing

This service is free of charge at our clinic. However, we may need to take a detailed history or provide follow up or referrals. There may be a charge for this service if required. This will be discussed prior to any such service being provided.

Regular smears can reduce a woman’s risk
of cancer by 90%

Book an appointment today

We will help you with your health concerns with care and discretion